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Two Dried Leaves




Craniosacral Therapy, Yoga Sessions

& Bespoke Art

with Natasha Singh

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Of Indian Heritage. I was born in London.

My parents are South African.

A keen traveller, I’ve just recently moved and

settled in The Algarve Portugal.


I have a degree in Fine Art and create Artwork inspired by my own healing journey.


My Approach

Having explored many forms of bodywork along my way. I am an Artist, Craniosacral Therapist and Yoga Instructor. I support my clients all over the world to find resource, safety and freedom within themselves so they can transform their lives.

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I'm Natasha Singh

specialise in...

Shadow on Concrete Wall


My 3 month old son was on the stiff side and I noticed his ribcage was sticking out more to the left than the right as if he were misaligned somehow. 


Natasha used breathing to connect with us and then she focused her attention on different parts of William's body (even though this was via zoom). She noticed something in his right shoulder and put her attention toward it and just as if he were really being touch he clinched his right fist and became fussy. Afterwards he cried for a few minutes and then fell into a deep sleep. He woke up later slightly upset, but immediately his ribcage had reset and was aligned. It was pretty incredible,  I almost couldn't believe it.


Although not ideal,  in my case because I live in the U.S. it was the only way we would have been able to experience a session with Natasha so I was happy to have zoom available. 


I was quietly shocked. I hadn't known what to expect but it was amazing considering we did it remotely.

Mother and Baby



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